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  • Writer's pictureYeona Choi

Ideation Practice(MacGuffin)- Show and Tell

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

This specific perfume, Bergamote Soleli from Atelier Cologne is what I have presented as an item to show and tell to the class. Perfumes could be highly personal despite it may be a mass-produced product. What makes them truly unique to one is the memory that would be tied to the scent- thus upon being exposed, provokes a specific scene and emotion.

I believe life is full of stories, and that is what enriches our artistic experiences as an audience, and a creator. As a powerful story-telling device, I thought our interpretation of this object could vary with a wide variety. I have imagined-

1. Swimming pool. I started by thinking that it would aesthetically be pleasing to imagine being submerged or floating on a bed of water with a such pleasant scent. It leads me to remember an expression in Korean- 'drowning in memories/thoughts'. The word 향수 香水(pronounced as Hyang-Su), which means 'perfume', is also pronounced the same as 향수 鄕, meaning 'nostalgia'. Taking this into account, 'drowning in perfume' could be quite literal!

2. A Weapon? Certain memories sometimes petrify us- whether that may be because of the joy or sorrow we feel. As it contains the essence of scents, the perfume could maybe be an effective weapon somewhere where the old days were the good days(I thought of some sort of a dystopian world).

3. Home. There are certain smells that we all identify as 'home', and they are all different. Similar to the imaginary setting that I have written for the second iteration, maybe a certain group of nomadic people bottle up their 'home' and carry them around.

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