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  • Writer's pictureYeona Choi

Adjusting Films- Moodboard and Script WIP

Updated: Feb 4, 2023

Man 1: Mid-30s. Wearing a semi-formal outfit- or at least what it used to be. His hair appears as if it was carefully polished already a week ago, and so are his shiny oxford shoes. Two buttons from the top opened, and his white shirt is no longer white. His grey trousers look too warm for the hot summer weather.

Man 2: Early 40s. Attire with some formality, but the cropped shorts break the box. His shirt, with more dirt and lint caught than the man next to him, is still a baby blue color. His face appears more youthful and energetic than the young guy in his peak working age.

Tandem Bike: It is not a vintage model, but it appears as if it was neglected from any care for several years. The rusty blue paint barely tells what kind of model it is, or what brand it is from. The wheels and gears are still functional but make a small creaking noise every time the second wheel spins a cycle.

BG: Sun is up, soon to set in around an hour or two. It is on the outskirts of the city. We can see the city line clear from the view, closer than the horizon, but obviously separated from where the two men are. What is ahead of them is a rather emptier land. All they spot are a few trees, and a few buildings that are no higher than three stories. An asphalt road that looks like it had better days is the only path they could see. It goes curving around and above the tiny hills that they are about to continue climbing and falling.

1. [Long] Man 2 appears first as if he is rising up from the asphalt, across the hill. It is apparent from their rapid breath that they ran up this hill while holding a long tandem bike. It makes a slow squeaking sound as the man walks with it.

1-1. Following him, the other man appears- even more exhausted than the other. He looks back to the city they have left but soon looks back front. His footstep slows, raises his hand, and asks the other to wait, wait. The other man turns his head to look back, then stops walking.

1-2. We see the other man stumble toward the curb.

2. [Medium] We see Man 1 sitting on the curb, his long legs crunched and trousers making tight and ugly wrinkles. He collects his breath.

2-1. The bike falls over the grass beyond the curb. Man 2 enters the frame to sit next to Man 1. He looks at his right side- towards the outskirts- then turns his head back to Man 1.

2-2. Man 1 is still huffing. He glimpses at Man 2 but soon looks back down. He reaches out to his trouser pocket, takes out a cell phone, looks at it, and soon puts it back. He looks hopeless and tired. Meanwhile, Man 2 is watching him do so.

3. [Over the Shoulder?] Man 2 looking at Man 1. He turns his head back neutral, pats Man 1's shoulder, and gets up. Exits frame. Man 2 rolls his eyes to look up at him.

4. [Long(same cam angle with shot 1)] Man 2 walks to the fallen bicycle, picks it up, and puts it on the road again.

4-1. Man 1 approaches him, watchful and clueless but keeps walking closer to Man 2. He stops near where the second seat is placed.

4.2. Man 2 sits on the front seat, holding the handle. He looks at Man 1.

5. [Medium] Man 1 sits in the back seat. His gesture is still doubtful but doesn't object to what the other man says.

6. [Medium(side)] We see two men sitting back to back. Man 1 at the front puts his leg onto the pedal.

6-1. Man 2 reaches his arm back to pat Man 1's raised leg down. 'You just try and sit.' Man 1 lowers his leg, appearing even more clueless.

7. [Close Up] Close up on Man 2's feet. Instead of pedaling, he starts 'walking' on the bike.

7-1. He starts gaining a bit of speed, then pushes the vehicle with two feet at once.

8. [Over the Shoulder] Man 1 looks scared, probably of the fall. We see him struggle to maintain the balance at the back of Man 2.

8-1. Man 1's hair starts gushing through the wind. A smile starts spreading on his face.

9. [Scenery][Long Take] The bike with two men goes down the hill. We see them disappear over the angle.

9-1. While after, we see them on the long road leading to another horizon line. Laughter echos.

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