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  • Writer's pictureYeona Choi

Adjusting Films- Comparing Similar Scenes

Based on the recommendation of my peers and professor, I watched a total of four ending clips from Thelma & Louise(1991), The Truman Show(1998), Amsterdam(2022), and Miracle in Milan(1951). Watching these films, all following the 'run away from your reality themed endings, made me notice and pay attention to the subtle differences in the tone of cinematography. I have not watched three of the four movies- except The Truman Show, but I tried focusing only on the ending scene without any influences from the entire plot.

(Spoilers of the movie ahead!)

1. Thelma & Louise's ending scene has the two main characters running away from the police chase, as eventually both of them drive off to the edge of the Grand Canyon. Either as a lover or dependable friends, the two characters reassure their relationship before the 'big decision' to leap off the cliff. Although their death itself is not portrayed in the film, the audience could easily guess that their fate ends there. It follows the trope of 'escaping from reality', but in the method of suicide- thus, compared to the ending of Modern Times, it would be not as hopeful and indicative of a better future, or even the characters' effort to do so. However, the cinematography describes this ending as if it is a happy ending with the character's expression, music, and camera directions.

2. The Truman Show ends as Truman, the main character decides to leave a popular drama set that he has lived his entire life. Unlike any other movies in the list, Truman leaves alone in the scene, despite the directors warning that there is no truth outside of 'this world'. The film differs the most from the other movies in its ending theme, as the character is not escaping reality, but accepting and stepping into a reality beyond what he believed exists. It is an escape, in some sense that he chooses to leave where he spent all of his time but could be interpreted more as an act of courage. Truman still carries the concerns, and doubts of stepping into a new life alike a lot like the Tramp couple from Modern Times. They both choose to smile and be playful at their exit too!

3. Amsterdam differed in's ending theme, as one of the three characters choose to leave their friends to go back to their reality instead of joining them. The character mentions that 'they sometimes wished they ran with their friends but did not'. This indicates that he, was in fact, one of the three that chose to stay in their world instead of running away like the other two may have done. Although guessing from the ending scene, the reason for his actions was to stay close to the people he loves and protects. It leaves a bittersweet feeling as he separates from his friends, but shares a sense of hope as he chose to stay for love.

4. I find the ending sequence of Miracle in Milan most similar to the one of the Modern Times of the attitude of the main characters and the plot. The main character couple shares affection despite the environment of despair and looks forward to a hopeful future while watching the sunrise together. At the end of the movie, they decide to leave the city with the magical broom with other people to seize freedom. A lot more fantastical than any of the movies, I find this film to have the most 'happy ending' among the four. The future for the two also is remained unknown, but they would maybe have more choices and fortune thanks to their magic broom.

Comparing these four movies depicting their main characters running away, I was able to specify further the modification for Modern Time's ending scene-

  1. The two main characters would be in a relationship based on a high level of trust and knowledge towards each other, sort of an 'I know you, and you know me', 'I will follow anywhere you go' kind of kinship- whether they be a couple or a dear friend. I think it would be fun to try not including any direct gestures or dialogues, but still indicating their closeness.

  2. Their age range would be around the 30s.

  3. I imagine it would be appropriate and add a sense of childishness if the two characters exited by riding a bike. It would be a double-seated bike to secure the fact that they highly depend on each other, and they may not be able to survive without one another.

  4. Playfulness! I would imagine them smiling and having fun riding their bikes out to the horizon. We all know what harsh reality of survival they may face out there, but they would act as if they do not know and do not worry- because they got each other.

  5. One would be a little bit more realistic and pessimistic about the future than the other. Following the character trope of the tramp and the gamin. The fact that their hope both comes from the presence of each other remains the same as well.

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