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  • Writer's pictureYeona Choi

Adjusting Films

I remember watching Modern Times(1936) for the first time when I was in high school with my friends. Although I have more knowledge of film now than I did then, I appreciate the film's dedication in the film history as one of the earliest feature-length movies. Charlie Chaplin's acting successfully- even more than some modern actors, in my opinion, communicates the story despite the lack of audio. My friends and I started watching it with suspicion in our minds, doubting that it would be enjoyable, and ended up loving the film. As we say these days, I could proudly insist that this movie aged well.

Our assignment is to find a clip of a movie, analyze it and try looking for any room for adjustments. Although I fully appreciate Modern Times and how it is still able to remain effective to the modern audience, there are a few elements that I think could be modified in order to communicate better. This is the ending scene of the movie and has a strong message that overlaps the film. I feel like subtle changes in direction and staging could be done as an 'alternative ending scene'.

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